
How To Find The Right Residential Designer For You

So, you’ve decided to use the services of a Residential Interior Designer for your home. You probably understand at this point that a skilled interior designer will not only help you create a beautiful space for your whole family. But will also help with the purpose, function, and safety of the house as well. They’ll use their extensive experience to curate furniture, lighting, walls, flooring, colour, fabrics and graphics to produce an environment tailored to the functionality of the space and your vision for it as well.

However, finding the right Residential Interior Designer can be challenging. It’s possible you’ve been fantasising about your dream home your whole life, or simply need someone with more experience to help you work with a new area. There are several residential interior designers out there in the Sunshine Coast and beyond who would do a good job for you. But how do you know that they are the right one for you?

These are the things you should consider on how to find the right residential designer for you.

The Right Residential Designer Will Be Someone You Like.

Some interior design projects can take months from inception to completion. You are going to be collaborating closely with your chosen interior designer this whole time. Like any good working partnership, there needs to be trust and communication. But even more so, you need to like this person because how could you trust and communicate well with someone you don’t even like?

It may take a few Google searches of finding interior designers in your area. And time meeting with them in person to find the one you think you’ll work best with. But you’ll appreciate the effort you put into doing this later down the track after you’ve been working together for some time on the project.

The Right Residential Designer For You Will Understand Your Vision.

There are many styles of decorating professionals out there and some have adopted different practices that suit their individual preferences. That’s perfectly fine. They may be excellent in their area which could be the reason you came to them to start with. This is only a problem if their individual preferences don’t match your own and they aren’t willing to consider your vision.

Review their portfolio to make sure that they are a good fit style wise. Be prepared with a detailed brief of what you are looking for including the designer style you like, the colour pallete you are interested in, and what you want from each room. If it all seems to gel with what your designer is looking to curate, this should help you make the right decision.

The Right Residential Designer For You Will Be In Your Budget 

It doesn’t matter how much you may like a designer. Or how well you believe you will work with them. Or even how good they are at sharing your vision. If they are too expensive for your budget, there’s no point getting excited about a designer you simply can’t afford.  Each interior designer will have different rates and the range of fees for the services they offer can vary quite extensively. Always get a clear idea about their fees up front and what they cover in their services.

It’s also worth asking your designer how they will prioritise the budget you do have throughout the project to ensure you’re on the same page. If your ideas differ from theirs it’s worth having the conversation to start with, rather than possibly coming across unnecessary conflict in the long run.

If you’re ready to start looking at interior design for your home, get in touch with our friendly team today!